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Join us on 20-21 January 2025 in Brussels (Mundo Lab - Trone) for the in-person training on Sustainable Certifications in public procurement organised in the context of Big Buyers Working Together and its Community of Practice on Sustainability in ICT (Digital). 

This training is designed to provide public authorities with the knowledge and expertise to identify key opportunities to drive sustainability in the ICT sector through the procurement process, with two main objectives: 

1. Empowering participants with a deeper knowledge of sustainability in ICT

Which are the challenges in the ICT supply chain? How to identify the issues and challenges at stake? What is the role of public procurement in the ICT sector? What are the opportunities for public buyers to advance sustainability in the ICT sector? 

2. Equipping participants with the knowledge to apply sustainability certifications, with an initial focus on TCO-Certified

How can public buyers ensure product compliance with sustainability requirements? What are the benefits of including sustainability certifications in ICT tenders? What are the best practices across Europe from which to learn?


This training is offered to BBWT participants in the Community of Practice Sustainability in ICT (Digital), with each participating authority free to take part with multiple representatives. Potential new public authorities interested in joining the training and the Community of Practice, can contact 

This training is designed by Eurocities, together with  TCO Development, the world-leading sustainability certification in the IT sector.


Whether you are a public procurement expert, innovation officer, sustainable officials, IT officer, or CTO from a public authority across Europe, this training offers a unique opportunity to get insights into sustainability in the ICT sector, driving together the transition towards more sustainably conscious digital sector. 

Secure your place and join the conversation!





Start: 20 January 2025
End: 21 January 2025

Mundo Lab -Trone

Rue de l'industrie 10
1000 Bruxelles

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