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Economic Development Forum 2024

23–25 October 2024


 Cities in transition: towards a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future  



Urban areas are at a critical juncture. As cities worldwide confront unprecedented challenges – from climate change and environmental degradation to social inequality and economic instability – the need for innovative and transformative solutions has never been more urgent. The Eurocities Economic Development Forum 2024 will advance the conversation on how to build more sustainable and resilient cities via the interaction of three main axes: people, space, and economy. These discussions will be framed within the context of key new EU policy mandates that are instrumental in shaping the future of urban economies. 

People: talent and skills in city transition 

Energy transition and demographic change pose fundamental challenges to the local economy, which needs fresh talents and new hard as well as soft skills. Next to the mainstream discussion on upskilling and reskilling of the local workforce, Bilbao will open up the debate on the importance of transversal skills and competencies as key to sustainable development. 

Space: Urban Innovation Districts 

As a 20th-century industrial city, Bilbao has been moving towards an industrial economy towards one based on knowledge and creativity, key ingredients to innovation. By showcasing their innovative urban spaces, characterised by a mix of uses and purposes (from housing to education, SMEs and start ups hubs, and facilities at large), Bilbao will set the scene for a discussion on how triple and quadruple helix models of innovation ecosystems can foster local development and citizen engagement. 

Economy: powering local economies via innovative procurement, business support, and EU strategic funding

Financing city transitions and urban challenges lies at the heart of the Economic Development Forum. To address this question, the debate will focus on how cities can achieve their long-term sustainability. Through innovative solutions of public procurement and a more strategic leveraging of EU funding opportunities, start-ups  and businesses could gain competitiveness vis-à-vis larger corporations reinforcing the local ecosystem. 

The 2024 Economic Development Forum aims to allow participants to contribute their experience and expertise to the debate. Therefore, an interactive and participative approach will be employed throughout, leaving significant room for mutual learning and action-oriented group discussions.


Start: 23 October 2024
End: 25 October 2024

Iberdrola Tower, Euskadi Plaza, Bilbao, Spain

Euskadi Plaza 5
48009 Bilbao PV

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