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Mayors signing up for sustainable culture

15 June 2023

08:30 - 09:45

Registrations are closed


The Eurocities Lille call to action is an invitation for mayors to commit to developing local cultural policies and events that are more sustainable and inclusive. It articulates around 16 priorities in 2 pillars: 

        1. The ecological transition of local cultural policies and events 

        2. Inclusion in culture and through culture  

The call to action is a follow up action of the Eurocities culture forum hosted in September 2022 by the city of Lille and the European Metropolis of Lille (FR), which focused on ‘Resilient and sustainable culture – local cultural policies supporting the ecological transition’ (more information on the Eurocities website). The call to action was developed with Eurocities members.

Objectives of the event

The call to action will be presented. Mayors will present concrete actions developed in their cities to make cultural policies and events more sustainable, while the European Commission will react to the initiative. Mayors and Deputy Mayors will then be able to sign the call to action.

Signing the Eurocities Lille call to action: a commitment from cities to

  • Develop sustainable and inclusive cultural policies
  • Implement at least 1 principle for each pillar
  • Provide examples each year and foster knowledge sharing with other European cities



Moderator: André Sobczak, Eurocities secretary general

8:30    Setting the scene - André Sobczak, Eurocities secretary general


8:40    Launching the Eurocities Lille call to action on sustainable culture - Martine Aubry, Mayor of Lille (FR)


8:50    Culture for future: Dresden Charta for sustainability in the cultural sector - Dirk Hilbert, Mayor of Dresden (DE) and outgoing Chair of the Eurocities culture forum


9:00    Culture for all and by all - Mathias De Clercq, Mayor of Ghent (BE)


9:10    Sustainable culture: the European perspective -  Catherine Magnant, Head of Unit, DG Education and Culture, European Commission


9:20    Dialogue with the audience


9:30    Signing the Eurocities Lille call to action on sustainable culture

Mayors and Deputy-Mayors are invited to sign the call to action. Photo opportunity with signatories.

Participants are invited to attend the plenary session of the Brussels Urban Summit dedicated to ‘city leadership in a global climate crisis’ and starting at 10 in the main plenary room.

9:45    End of the session


Julie Hervé, head of culture,


To register for this event, please click the button on the top right corner of the screen.

Please note that to access the venue where this event is taking place, you must be registered for the Brussels Urban Summit.

To register for the Summit, please click here.


Start: 15 June 2023
End: 15 June 2023

SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Mont des Arts, Brussels, Belgium

1000 Bruxelles

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