The European Affordable Housing Consortium has concluded its initial phase by reconciling the need for affordable housing, the Green European Urban Renewal and the reduction of carbon emissions. For the last 24 months, the project team has been preparing the ground for a renovation wave driven by social and technical innovation centred around people.
Drawing inspiration from people and places who have successfully put the fair energy transition into practice in local Lighthouse Districts, the SHAPE-EU team has created a community ready to share knowledge and tools with practitioners who are now taking the path. After these intensive months of research, study visits, workshops and exchanges, the Blueprints for Replication of Lighthouse Districts were developed to serve as a practical guide for the planning, financing and implementation of integrated district renovation projects while always taking into consideration that there is “no solution fits all”
As the importance of human connection as driver of the movement became clear from the beginning, we want to acknowledge the mentors and mentees that took part in the project by giving them a platform in the event. Their experiences are crucial for the optimisation of policies at both the European and local level towards the goal of bringing 100 Lighthouse Districts of the Affordable Housing Initiative to life.
We hope that this will be an inspirational and fruitful event for EU policymakers but also for all the key stakeholders of the Local Industrial Partnership that are represented in the project consortium (local authorities, social, public and cooperative housing providers and SMEs).
February 21st 2024, 0900 – 1400. JDE51 + Atrium 5
Opening session
09h00 – 0930 Welcome
- Commissioner Kadri Simson (VIDEO MESSAGE)
- President Housing Europe Bent Madsen
- Sec Gen Eurocities Andre Sobczak
0935 – Vienna Housing Model & Integrated District Renovation
Peter Florianschütz, City of Vienna & Member of the Committee of the Regions
0945 – 1045 The Project & Delivery
- Introduction by Henk Visscher, TU Delft
0950 – 1000 The Blueprints Joao Goncalves, Director of Innovation Housing Europe.
1000 – 1045 Becoming lighthouse districts, moderated by Elina Sergejeva, Policy Officer Energy Cities
- Goran Jeras from Cooperative for Ethical Financing (MOBA Hosing)
- Ilektra Mancini from Hellenic Passive House Institute
- Maja Staleska from HTO
Coffee – 10.45 – 11.00.
11.00 – 11.10 Marcos Ros Sempere MEP, SHAPE EU & the New European Bauhaus, CONFIRMED
11h15 -12.30 Bringing 100 lighthouse districts to life
1115 – 1120 SHAPE EU Policy Lab & Policy Recommendations, Julien Dijol, Policy Director Housing Europe
1120 - 1240 Stakeholder Perspectives, moderated by Julien Dijol,
What we need to launch 100 Lighthouse Districts:
- Michaela Kauer, Head of Brussels Office City of Vienna (City)
- Rossanna Zaccaria, President Legacoop Abitanti (social housing/cooperatives)
- Barbara Steenbergen, Head of International Liaison Office IUT (Tenants)
- Nelson Brito arq: i+d, lda (SME), MIT-Portugal Program UC – (SMEs)
Reaction from DG ENER, DG Regio, Independent Research (FL):
- Bogdan ATANASIU Senior Policy Officer on EE in Buildigs, DG ENER (Commission)
- Maarten de Groote VITO/EnergyVille expert in Smart Energy & Built Environment
- Goncalo Veiga da Silva, DG REGIO
12h40 Anna Athanasopoulou - Head of Unit G2, Proximity, Social Economy, and Creative Industries, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch and a conversation around peer-to-peer support on integrated district renovation, moderated by Margherita Marinelli, Junior Innovation and Project Officer at Housing Europe
- Muris Kodzaga, Hilfswerk International
- William Nelissen, Wonen in Limburg
- Sylwia Slomiak, ssas
- Fabien Lasserre, Vilogia
- Sven Buch, Himmerland Boligforening
- Otto Höller, tafkaoo architects