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Please note this is a provisional programme. More details will be shared soon. 

For more information about the programme, attendance & logistics you can contact


*Names to be confirmed


Thursday 3 October 2024
Thursday 3 October 2024
09:00 — 09:30
Registration & Welcome Coffee
09:30 — 09:45
Welcome remarks and Food Trails main outcomes

Andrea Magarini, Food Trails Project Coordinator, City of Milan

09:45 — 11:00
The future of European food systems

Political debate

Anna Scavuzzo, Vicemayor of Milan

Giorgio Gori, Member of the European Parliament

Patrick Papadato, Vice President of Bordeaux Métropole

Olivier De Schutter, IPES Food Co-Chair

Marta Messa, Secretary General of Slow Food


Moderated by André Sobczak, Eurocities Secretary General

11:00 — 11:30
Coffee break
11:30 — 12:30
Panel discussion - Urban food policy: the power of cities

Salima Djidel-Brunat, Vice President of Grenoble Alpes Métropole

Maximo Torero, Chief Economist of FAO

Representative of Birmingham City Council*

Representative from European Commission*


Moderated by Paul Milbourne, Cardiff University

12:30 — 14:00
14:00 — 14:30
The FOOD 2030 priorities in action

Presentation from the Food Trails Crosscutting Managers about the role of the FOOD 2030 Framework in supporting the innovation of food system practices at urban level

Alice Casiraghi, CIRCULARITY Food Trails Crosscutting Manager

Shaleen Meelu, NUTRITION Food Trails Crosscutting Manager

14:30 — 15:45
The potential of Living Labs for food system transformation

Panel discussion


Rosalinda Scalia, DG RTD European Commission 

Representative from City of Bergamo

Representative from City of Thessaloniki

Thom Achterbosch, Wageningen Economic Research

14:30 — 15:45
Lessons learned from Food Trails for urban food policies

Workshop on the power of replication, involving city officers and researchers active in knowledge exchanges to share the most interesting good practices and tools

15:45 — 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 — 17:15
Workshop on Food Policy development toolkit

Join us in drawing up vision for urban food policies in an interactive workshop and explore the different tools developed during the Food Trails project

17:15 — 17:30
Concluding remarks

Andrea Magarini, Food Trails Project Coordinator, City of Milan

17:30 — 18:30
Networking drinks

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