You can also download the draft programme in pdf version here: ICC agenda.pdf
Moderator: Ali Al-Jaberi
- Matteo Lepore, Mayor, Bologna
- Rutger Groot Wassink, Deputy Mayor, Amsterdam & Chair of Eurocities Working Group Migration & Integration
New signatory cities: Bologna, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Vilnius
- Matteo Lepore, Mayor, Bologna
- André Sobczak, Secretary General, Eurocities
A bus will drive you to the different site visits
Via Malvezza, 2/2, Bologna
SALUS is a space for social innovation through a participatory design process (co-design), with a generative and intercultural Welfare approach. It is a centre of local services for citizens in a multi-purpose building.
Via Giovanni Antonio Sacco, 14, Bologna
The Intercultural Centre promotes the participation of new citizens in the Municipality and supports migrant and intercultural associations.
Via Massimo Gorki, 6, Bologna
MET Space was a warehouse, now regenerated with a view to recycling. It hosts exhibitions, shows, intercultural evenings, events and a youth day center for unaccompanied minor migrants and young adults.