In the framework of Horizon project SCALE-UP, Eurocities and the City of Antwerp invite you to an Urban Nodes Platform event to take place in Antwerp on 13 November 2024. Under the Moving people and the economy across the EU & in cities theme, the event will focus on various aspects pertaining to the role of urban nodes in TEN-T, with a specific focus on urban nodes governance & funding of transport investments in urban nodes. As the revised TEN-T Regulation was already adopted and recently published, the discussion will shift towards implementation aspects, the needs of urban nodes in answering to the specific requirements, their investment needs and how those can be reflected in the future Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport funding instrument.
Europe is a widely urbanised territory, featuring a diverse array of cities that are essential centres of economic and social activity. By their very nature and function, urban nodes – comprising cities and their functional areas – are the starting point or the final destination for passengers and freight moving on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). At the same time, they constitute the space where different levels of transport networks converge and points of transfer within or between different transport modes. As primary connection points, urban nodes are crucial elements of the TEN-T. The 2024 revised TEN-T Regulation acknowledges this fact by reinforcing the role or urban nodes within the TEN-T. This involves expanding the list of urban nodes to 431 across EU countries, and setting up new functional requirements for the identified nodes.
The Urban Nodes Platform has been set up as part of the Horizon-funded project SCALE-UP. The main aim of the platform is to engage urban nodes in TEN-T knowledge exchange and policy dialogues. Under the Urban Nodes Platform umbrella, various meetings and webinars have been organised to foster exchange of knowledge and good practices, as well as to collecting relevant feedback from urban nodes and along TEN-T corridors. The various activities bring together urban nodes representatives, national administrations, EU policy makers, TEN-T corridor coordinators, transport operators, relevant European networks, researchers and academics. All relevant stakeholders are invited to register and attend the event.
Transversal themes to be addressed across the various sessions include:
- Urban nodes governance and the role of urban nodes in TEN-T governance
- Investment needs and financial resources for urban nodes
- Cities’ priorities and how they are reflected in their role as TEN-T urban nodes
- Capacity building and support programmes for urban nodes
- Innovative measures and planning concepts for bringing together long-distance transport and urban mobility.
Registration is closed. If you would like to attend the event, please contact us at
The Urban Nodes Platform event is organised in the framework of Horizon 2020 project SCALE-UP (grant agreement 955332). As it is meant to be an open discussion platform, views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and are not necessarilly endorsed by the European Union or SCALE-UP. Neither the European Union nor SCALE-UP can be held responsible for them.