Location: 12th floor
Location: Sky Lounge Diamond, 12th floor

The timeframe of the Horizon-funded project SCALE-UP overlaped with the policy development process of the revised TEN-T Regulation. That created an opportunity for insights from the project to feed into the various exchanges and consultations that were part of the process. How can research and innovation projects support the implementation of TEN-T and urban nodes policy more generally, that is the subject of an interactive discussion between Yannick Bousse from CINEA, and Michiel Penne, SCALE-UP project coordinator from Antwerp.
FACILITATOR: Yannick Bousse, Project Adviser, CINEA – European Commission
- Michiel Penne, City of Antwerp / SCALE-UP
Location: Sky Lounge Diamond, 12th floor

A reinforced role for urban nodes comes as a great opportunity for a more efficient TEN-T, but at the same time with responsibilities and challenges still to address. What kind of local set-ups are needed to allow for effective coordination between the various urban nodes stakeholders, who is responsible for setting up such collaborative structures, what sort of support programmes are needed to encourage such coordination, there are all open questions when it comes to urban nodes governance and the implementation of the TEN-T. At the same time, EU coordination is needed in connection with the various functional requirements for urban nodes, and the mechanisms are still to be instituted. The panel is set up as a dialogue between the EU, the national or regional, and the local levels around these challenges and how they can be addressed under current or future TEN-T governance.
- Robert Szűcs, Policy Officer, DG MOVE – European Commission
- Erik Stok, Public Affairs Adviser – Netwerkstad Twente
- Thomas Geier, Policy Adviser – European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA)
- Thomas Ertel, Communication Manager – Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC
- Luc Hellemans, CEO – Lantis Antwerp
MODERATOR: Juan Montero, Director of the Transport Chapter – Florence School of Regulation, EUI
Location: Sky Lounge Diamond, 12th floor

Location: 12th floor
This session will offer an opportunity to discuss how the new ambitions of the TEN-T Regulation to better connect urban mobility and long-distance transport can be translated into concrete terms. As the European Union will publish a plan to connect European capitals with high-speed railway, we will look at how cities' priorities for railway services development can be better taken into account to ensure sustainable connections within and between cities.
- Peter Staelens, Head of Mobility – Eurocities
- Alberto Mazzola, Executive Director – Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)
MODERATOR: Nathalie Guri, Director for projects and knowledge sharing – Eurocities
Location: Sky Lounge Diamond, 12th floor

This panel is planned as a mirror and in dialogue with the previous one. Cities, as the governance level closer to the citizens, have their own priorities in terms of liveability, sustainability, safety, connectivity, economic opportunities and social concerns. How are these reflected within the TEN-T priorities, and how can cities benefit from their role as urban nodes to advance these priorities? Are there specific efforts to be made to ensure policy coherence between the local objectives and the TEN-T priorities? Is there relevant support or is there space for creating such support mechanisms for urban nodes as part of corridor governance or through programmes set up at national level?
- Koen Kennis, Deputy Mayor – City of Antwerp
- Elina Rantanen, Deputy Mayor – City of Turku
- Aquilino Iniesta López, Deputy Director – Planning and Mobility Infrastructure, Madrid City Council
- María Corral Escribano, Deputy Director General for Planning, TEN-T Network and Logistics – Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda
- Menno Menist, Director, International & Transport – Panteia
MODERATOR: Ivo Cré, Policy & Projects Director – POLIS Network
Location: Sky Lounge Diamond, 12th floor

Location: Restaurant, 1st floor
Urban nodes have complex transport investment needs. The key aim of this session is to hear directly from relevant stakeholder in the 431 TEN-T urban nodes or national / regional governments about their investment needs and available funding. In order to facilitate the feedback collection, the audience will be split into four groups that will work separately and then report to the plenary. Participants not active into one of the urban nodes or not representatives of national / regional governments can only have an observer status. As CEF 2028-2035 is under development, this feedback session could identify some relevant directions, in line with the reinforced role of urban nodes under the revised TEN-T Regulation. The feedback session will be opened by a introduction on funding for transport investments.
- Torsten Brand & Alberto González Sánchez (EIB) – Matching funding for transport investments
- Florian Becker (Eurocities)
- Kateřina Kührová (Eurocities)
- Anne-Charlotte Trapp (Eurocities)
- Lucian Zagan (Eurocities)
MODERATOR: Peter Staelens, Head of Mobility – Eurocities
Location: Sky Lounge Diamond, 12th floor
Confirmed participants from relevant organisations in TEN-T urban nodes or national governments: City of Antwerp; Antwerp Transport Region; Lantis Antwerp, Madrid City Council; EMT Madrid; CRTM Madrid; City of Turku; Ljubljana Urban Region; City of Riga; Netwerkstad Twente (Enschede, Hengelo); City of Amsterdam; City of Eindhoven; City of Munich; City of Ghent; City of Gothenburg; City of Tilburg; Brussels Mobility – Brussels Capital Region; Lyon Métropole; Grenoble Alpes Métropole; Île-de-France Region; Cities Northern Netherlands; Province of Antwerp; Province of Noord-Brabant; Province of Limburg; Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg; Hanse-Office (Hamburg); Regional Council of Southwest Finland; Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council; Port of Antwerp-Bruges; Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works; Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda; Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology; Greek Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport; Scandria Alliance; Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC + relevant organisations in neighbouring non-EU countries: City of Lviv; City of Belgrade, City of Oslo.

Location: 12th floor
Planning long-distance transport and urban mobility together is at the core of the urban node idea. What does it take for urban mobility to be planned for the functional urban area instead of limiting to the city administrative boundaries? What sort of cooperation needs to be in place to implement projects that go beyond administrative borders? How does urban mobility factor in regional or national transport masterplans? What are the best practices concerning multimodal hubs integrating various transport modes and territorial levels? How the transport networks set up at different territorial levels are to be connected? We will shed light on these questions by bringing together a variety of relevant perspectives from local administration representatives, practitioners, researchers or consultants.
- Alberto González Sánchez (EIB/Jaspers) – Mobility planning for the functional urban area
- Jochen Maes (Ecorys) – Vertical integration across levels of governance in urban nodes: Cooperation models and strategies
- Dirk Engels & Evelyn De Wachter (Transport & Mobility Leuven) – Growing towards strong sustainable urban nodes on the TEN-T network: Monitoring of the mobility context to efficiently implement effective measures
- Sergio Fernández Balaguer (EMT Madrid) – Multimodal interchange hubs for integrating long and short-distance transport
MODERATOR: Anna Ibraeva, Senior Researcher, Transport Research Centre (TRANSyT) – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Location: Brabo room, 3rd floor

City administrations have specific challenges having to do with mitigating the negative consequence of traffic or integrating the large infrastructures into the city fabric. At the same time, good connectivity with the TEN-T network brings economic opportunities and competitiveness. This workshop is dedicated to presenting several innovative solutions for urban logistics management and access regulations for heavy duty vehicles from a variety of cities across Europe, as well as a reaction on the challenges and opportunities for logistics operators regarding access in urban areas.
- Stella Aaltonen (Turku) – SULP planning and urban logistics management in Turku
- Stijn Vernaillen (Antwerp) – Urban freight navigation: Advanced route planning integrating school zones, turning angles, and road types
- Isak Solomon (Oslo) – A "mobility hotel" for integrated micro-logistics services to promote the zero-emission city
- Yanying Li (ALICE) – Challenges and opportunities for logistics operators regarding access and traffic management in urban areas
MODERATOR: Joris Beckers, Assistant Professor, Department of Transport and Regional Economics – University of Antwerp
Location: Harmonie room, 3rd floor

The revised TEN-T regulation establishes several functional requirements for urban nodes, among them to have a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in place by 2027, and to regularly report on relevant Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMIs). National authorities are also expected to set up a SUMP national contact point to coordinate SUMP adoption and animate reflections on the matter at the national level. This will take place in the framework of National SUMP Support Programmes (NSSPs), which establishment is strongly encouraged by the European Commission as a way to coordinate SUMP-related matters and SUMI collection, while providing support to urban nodes authorities. Some Member States have already established such practices, some still need to initiate them. This workshop brings together representatives of several national governments and cities, as well as the European Commission, to identify and discuss good practices and needs for establishing effective support programmes.
- Eva Mastny, Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
- Dominique Ameele, Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works
- Yiorgos Chronopoulos, Greek Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
- Irma Lissberg-Grondstra, Strategic Adviser Regional Accessibility – Netwerkstad Twente
- Robert Szűcs, Policy Officer, DG MOVE – European Commission
MODERATOR: Lucian Zagan, Mobility Project Coordinator – Eurocities
Location: Plantin room, 3rd floor

Location: Sky Lounge Diamond, 12th floor